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Logitech PM5精密研磨拋光系統是帶有一個工作站的臺式機,適用于科學研究水平的研磨和拋光,能夠完成4英寸及以下尺寸樣品的小批量處理。具有加工樣品*性高、規(guī)格水平高、表面光潔等特點。
The Logitech WSB unit offer premium bonding for the processing of fragile semiconductor wafers such as Silicon and Gallium Arsenide.
The AWS1 Abrasive Wire Saw allows fragile or diffi cult materials to be cut or wafered without fear of the samples being damaged. Designed for use in photonics, semiconductor, opto-electronics
Chemicals typically used in prime face polishing of semiconductor wafers or electronic and optoelectronic crystals, such as Bromine Methanol or acid etches, are highly aggressive and require ......
CMP Tribo 臺式化學機械研磨拋光設備,The Tribo CMP system is a precision engineered, bench top solution designed with one thing in mind - the research of wafer processes, including their associated wafer, pad and slurry interactions.
Logitech CP3000化學拋光設備能很好的滿足腐蝕拋光溶劑,同樣也適用于腐蝕性較弱的Chemlox拋光,如半導體晶片的背拋光?,F在的電子器件對于晶片尺寸,表面平整度、平行度及厚度控制都有非??量痰目刂埔螅鳦P3000化學拋光機,特別是跟Logitech的晶片處理系統配合使用作為Z后一個步驟時,能*達到這些控制標準。